Corovoda On Line |
"Luckily our guide was my beloved friend Fadil Berisha, also cousin to Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha which helped in providing access to governmental, media, and social outlets throughout the country"
"Per Fat si guide kishim mikun tim te Dashur Fadil Berisha, gjithashtu kusheri me Kryeministrin e Shqiperise Sali Berisha i cili ndihmoi ne dhenies se mbeshtetjes se qeverise, medias dhe degeve sociale ne gjithe vendin"E kur vjen fundi i nje interviste disi te gjate, aktorja sikur i afrohet per te cituar emrin e presidentit Shqipetar po... nuk e thote ajo mjaftohet duke thene:
"Thus, when I was generously invited to become an Albanian citizen, I felt no reluctance. I felt honored and able to accept this gift. I felt even more like who I am. I retain, of course, my American citizenship. I am that, too.
Keshtu, kur me ftuan te behesha shtetase shqipetare, une nuk pata asnje ngurim. U ndjeva e nderuar dhe e afte ta pranoja kete dhurate. (Shtetesia Dhurate???). Ndjeva edhe me shume se cila jam. Une mbaj padyshim shtetesine Amerikane. Jam edhe amerikane gjithashtu.Ne fund shkrimi perfundon duke thene se jam Shqiptaro-Amerikane. Per ta ndjekur te plote intervisten e publikuar pak me pare ne huffingtonpost kliko ne kete link
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